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A Message from Pastor Paul
New Prayer Focus
Our main focus in August will be Prayer.We will continue in our Journey to be what Jesus desires us to be and that is a House of Prayer. A Church committed to Prayer!
We will have a Prayer Service every Wednesday Night in August @ 6:30 P.M.
On Sunday August 7 we will have our first-ever Prayer & Fasting Service at 11AM.
We are looking for Prayer Warriors to pray specific prayers for 30 minutes a day. Signup sheet is on the bulletin board at the church.
God is up to something amazing at North Glen Community Church, so we need to pause to get direction and hear from God. If we don’t focus on Prayer we will miss God’s Best. Prayer is the engine that drives the Church. So let’s get excited as we enter into the throne of Grace and experience the presence of God!
Book of the Month
Our Book of the Month for August will be Proverbs. To help us in our quest for wisdom as we seek God’s will for our lives and our Church. We will read, study, meditate & apply 1 chapter of Proverbs each day. 31 days in August, 31 Proverbs. Let’s get some wisdom!
Another area in which God is speaking to me is Leadership, as everything rises and falls on Leadership.
We will have an opportunity to go to a Global Leadership Conference August 11 & 12 from 9:30-5:30. Some of the speakers will be Bill Hybels, John Maxwell, and T.D. Jakes to name just a few.
The conference will be streamed to the Abundant Life Church in Glen Burnie, MD. You are presented with a lot of opportunities to sharpen your skills and develop the people you lead. The Summit is a proven tool that produces compelling outcomes for leaders who attend. To learn more about the conference and possible interest,visit Registration is available on the site.
The Leadership Team & The Ministry Leaders of North Glen will be going through a study of the 5 Levels of Leadership by John Maxwell. We will also open this up for future Leaders.
Exciting times await us as we draw near to Jesus. He will shower us with His Blessings!
Be Blessed in Jesus!
Upcoming Events at NGCC
Saturday Night Live Coffee House
Come join us on August 20th to worship the Lord with Holy Smoke from 8-10pm. Doors open at 7pm. Holy Smoke is a Southern-rock, blues-laced band of Christians that is “Fired Up” for JESUS.
If you have not already joined or shared our Facebook page in order to invite others to this event, visit
This month, we are in need of hot dog buns, case of water, and desserts. Contact me if interested in signing up for one of these items or sign up the bulletin board by August 10th. We will continue to serve pizza, and nachos & cheese.
Children’s Ministry Update.
A message from Kim Gayleard
Hey North Glen!
I can hardly believe I am closing in to the end of my second year at North Glen as the Children’s Director. Wow, time flies when you’re having fun! I am personally happy to see the children grow in their walk with the Lord. I was talking on the phone the other day to one of our North Glen ladies and I told her we are, “A work in progress!” Just like our own lives, we too are a work in progress! There is always room to grow, love, and learn!
Thank you to everyone that gave items for, Operation Christmas Child! We will be collecting again between October and November!
ALL current students must be registered by September 1, 2016, in order to attend Children’s Church and other children’s activities. Why? Well, it is a safety issue. The registration form provides us with important information about your child in the event of an emergency. To date we have one completed form. You can go to our church website, Facebook page, or get a paper copy from me to fill out. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.
Upcoming Children’s Ministry Dates
August 1 through the Month
School supplies collection! Please bring in school supplies to help us bless a child in need with new school supplies! Collection boxes will be located in the back of the church.
August 21
CM monthly meeting. Volunteer Appreciation Day! We will also have a brief meeting. Anyone interested in joining the CM should attend!
August 19-20
30 Hour Famine. Our middle school students and I once again will participate in the Famine which is a 30 hour fast! Look for my information coming in your bulletins!
We are also planning to have a Spaghetti dinner coming up soon. All funds raised will support feeding hungry children through the 30 Hour Famine!
Lot’s of cool stuff is going on in the CM and at North Glen! Get involved! Please email or call me with any questions!
Kim Gayleard
Children’s Ministry Director
North Glen Community Church
Men’s Fellowship
Come out for a time of fellowship on Saturday, August 6th at 2pm. Food will be provided although you may be bring something to share. We will also be teaming up and competing in corn-hole games. Ideas are welcomed. Contact me if you have any questions.
Mission Outreach Opportunities
Homeless Ministry
Our next outreach is on August 6th at 10:00 and lasts until 12:00. The homeless ministry leaves from the church to deliver food and clothing to the people in Baltimore and Anne Arundel County.
As we meet the physical needs (socks, summer clothes, blankets, shoes, disposable bags to carry their clothing) of the homeless with the love of Jesus, we have the opportunity to bring the Good News to meet their spiritual health.
Sandwiches are prepared on Fridays at my home in Dundalk.
Vicky McDuffie, Homeless Ministry Leader
Teller Team
The teller team is in need of a person willing to be available on the fifth Sunday of the months that have five Sundays or be a backup in the absence of another team member. The requirements to be on this team are the following: member, faithfully supports the church financially, and trustworthy.
You will be requested to stay after church to collect the money and help count for approximately 15 minutes. A signup sheet will be on the board.
Julie Drenning, Church Treasurer
Greeters Ministry
If you are looking to serve in a church ministry, we have a place for you!
If you like to welcome people into North Glen with a friendly face and have a spirit of hospitality and serving others, we have openings in the Assimilation ministry.
Currently, we have two teams which alternate every Sunday passing out bulletins or Welcome Packets to newcomers. We also have a team that makes the coffee (when the door opens) and mans the coffee and light breakfast area.
If you are interested, signup at the bottom of the current schedule along with your interest and you will be contacted to see where you can plug in.
Bill and Julie Drenning