A Message From Pastor Paul
Hello Church! Exciting times are coming this SPRING!
Isaiah 43:19a says… “Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall SPRING forth.”
Let’s SPRING into the new beginning that God is preparing for His Church!
Last spring we were hit by CoVid 19 and we faced the shut down of the church. Who could have known the devastation this would cause? But just look at some of the positives that have been brought to NGCC.
We began our Acts 2:42 service to devote ourselves to Prayer, the breaking of bread (Communion), the teaching of God’s Word for the purpose of drawing closer to Jesus and preparation for the persecution that is coming. Persecution can and will strengthen the church that is devoted to Jesus, just as it did in the early church.
We began Spring with our first ever baptism in our Acts 2:42 Service…Praise the Lord!
We will be focusing on the Cross in the month of March in preparation for our Good Friday Service and then our Resurrection Sunday Service.
Remember, last year we had to have our Good Friday and Easter services online…but NOT this year! We are back to celebrating Jesus together, in person. We will continue to live stream to our YouTube page as well as Facebook for those who prefer to watch at home.
I am looking forward to going out into the community for Prayer Walks, and reaching out to our community with the love of Jesus.
Let us pray to the Lord of the Harvest to bring workers to lead people to the Kingdom of God.
Be Blessed in Jesus.
Pastor Paul
NGCC Ministry News and Events
Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry
Finally — Spring is coming!!!! All things will be new!
This Spring, we will be learning more about salvation in Jesus and baptism. We have a good number of our children ready to say YES to Jesus! And pray they will be ready to take that next step of faith in baptism. This is such an exciting time to be in children’s ministry!
During these times of CoVid 19, we have had to adapt to many different things. Firstly, we have been meeting on Wednesday afternoons to bring the Word of God to the children. And on Sundays, the children have remained in the sanctuary with parents doing quiet activities. The children have been doing great… we can be so proud. This has been a positive experience for the children as they are learning to be respectful and quiet in the “adult” service. But they are also exposed to the teaching and worship music. So, we have taken what could have been a negative and made a positive!
We are gearing up for Resurrection weekend. Due to the on-going pandemic, we once again will not hold our Easter egg hunt. Instead, we are creating special give-aways for children age 12 and under. The packages will contain fun activities, a Bible story, and Easter eggs filled with treats and prizes. Please visit us online at northglenchurch.com for the registration form. All participants MUST pre-register. Please see the online form for all the details.
This Spring, I am looking for a few volunteers to help teach our younger students ages 3 through 5. My goal is to create 2 separate classes so that I can concentrate on the older children by teaching more on salvation and baptism. If you are interested in becoming a teacher, please let me know. Training will be available.
As winter comes to an end, we want to recognize two of our members that were called Home to Heaven. My husband, affectionately known as Wolf… Wolfie… was called Home on January 11th. He fought a courageous battle of advanced prostate cancer for 18 months. I will not say he “lost” his battle because he didn’t LOSE anything. He was healed in the Name of Jesus the moment he left this earth. His p11assing was dearly felt by our children as he was always a constant person in their lives as our church drummer. We had a special celebration of life for Wolf with just the children to help them better understand why God calls some of us Home to Heaven. Wolf will always be remembered for his silliness and love to the children. He will be remembered by our church body as a great animated drummer for Jesus. Wolf will be missed in this life by all that knew and loved him. We will have a celebration of life for Wolf on April 10th at 2pm at NGCC.
Dave Henn was also called Home to Heaven after contracting CoVid 19. While most of our children didn’t know Dave as he was new to our church, our church body will remember Dave as a great man of faith who was on fire for Jesus.
Both Wolf and Dave will be dearly missed.
Please keep our children in prayer as many are going through many changes and little storms in their young lives
In Christ,
Kim Gayleard
Youth Ministry
The youth group averages about 8-10 participants on Sundays and Wednesdays. We recently went to Skateland in Dundalk for a fun outing and have a trip to Skycroft planned for late April.
We are continuing to develop relationships with the youth and we’re getting to know parents better as well.
Regarding our studies, we’ve started working on scripture memorization. We’re working towards learning about the life of Christ and his role as our holy sacrifice as we lead up to Easter.
Please pray for the youth as we will be presenting the Gospel more clearly and asking them to consider a commitment to follow Jesus.
Our leaders include Barry Mager, Joe Fleming, Julie Drenning.and myself. Contact any one of us if you have questions.
In Him, blessings
Sharon Mager
Women’s Ministry
Hello Ladies!
“Even when our situation seems impossible, our work is to ‘hope in our God.’ ” Our hope will not be in vain. In the Lord’s own timing, help will come.” George Mueller.
We need to stand up for our Lord God and trust Him immensely!
The Women’s Ministry will continue to study the “Red Letter Challenge” book.
In Christ,
Maureen Hill
Men’s Ministry
As we focus on Easter and Jesus’s sacrifice and victory over the grave, WE have victory in Our Lord as we trust in Him alone for our eternal salvation. We serve a Risen Savior… Hallelujah!
Let us remember our departed brothers in the faith, Wolfie and Dave, and keep their families in our prayers. They served the Lord faithfully for many years and are now present with our Heavenly Father. We need more guys to step up and help fill the void that remains. Also, continue to pray for other brothers who are struggling with serious health concerns.
Please pray and seek God for how He wants to use YOU here at NGCC. He has a specific purpose for you and He will equip you for that purpose. He will use any of us, as long as we are willing to be used. You will be blessed and grow stronger in your walk of faith as you serve.
Stay connected to the Men’s Ministry and encourage a friend or brother who needs to get connected with other men on this journey of faith in Jesus. Updates will be communicated during our services, online meetings, emails, posted on our website, the church phone app and the church and Men’s Ministry Facebook group pages.
Please share your thoughts and ideas for future fellowship and ministry opportunities with me.
James 5 : 16b – The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
Joe Fleming
Bridge Builder’s Ministry
Bridge Builders has been active! We funded a teacher’s luncheon (since with CoVid 19 we were unable to do this in person). We also provided cocoa and helped put together invitations for a movie night. While these were not as hands-on as usual, it does still keep us connected. We also delivered hats and gloves the church had provided.
The principal invited us to participate in a pop up pantry type event. Plans are still underway and will be more of a hands-on outreach.
Additionally, we will collect non-perishables the first Sunday of the month to supplement the school’s daily meal distribution.
Barry Mager
Greeter’s Ministry
Warm Greetings from the ‘Greeters’ at North Glen Community Church!
All is moving along well when welcoming everyone at the door of our ‘Church on the Hill’. A temperature check plus masks are available for those who either don’t have their own or need a new one and of course, a little wrapped candy treat is offered, too!
We are happy to welcome Mark Beringer and Jen Ryan to our Ministry. They both have such friendly smiles and kind words for those coming in. Daily Bread devotionals are also displayed for everyone. (Great way to start your day with a devotion honoring Our Lord!) And sometimes we have some inspirational prayer information to offer.
We would love to have others join us in our Ministry. It is very rewarding to be able to meet new guests and to see our members every Sunday morning getting to know each other a little better!
See you all on Sunday Mornings!
With the Love of Jesus
Michele and Debbie
Music Ministry
Hello,Church family!.
We have definitely been challenged to live day-by-day, but God is good all the time! I tell myself that every day. My biggest challenge is keeping everyone focused on Jesus and staying safe without closing church.
Our drummer Wolfie went to Heaven after a battle of advanced prostate cancer, he’s now jammin with Jesus! My buddy Jamie stepped up to help us out and is doing a good job!
We are currently looking for a sound person, keyboard player, and computer tech people.
Ever since the pandemic hit, we have had to figure out how to stream live to send the message wherever we can. This has been a challenge, but we have been shown the way. As always, we couldn’t do it without everyone’s help. So, I want to thank Paul and everyone involved for keeping North Glen open and streaming. God bless you all! If you would like to know more…. look me up.
Thank you to the Praise Team and all you do. Pray we lose the pandemic and can move on being bigger and better.
Stay blessed,
Pastor Rick
Coffee House News
For those who have not visited our SNL Coffee House Facebook page for updates, we have been meeting each month through Watch Parties at 8PM on the third or fourth Saturday of each month. We have been grateful to have taped past performances of each band who connected with us through a Watch Party and have a couple of more we can show if gatherings are still closed.
This Winter, we held three Watch Parties showing Stauros Alive, HMS Renegade, and Raymond Lee Band. Our hearts are still healing from the loss of our drummer Wolfie of Renegade.
We still do not know when we will be able to return together again. Maybe in another month, but with CoVid 19 restrictions in place. More details will be posted on the Facebook page when that time comes. Pray that Maryland and it’s surrounding states continue to drop in CoVid 19 cases.
Until we open, we will continue to hold Watch Parties. The leader of each band is also connected in case you have any questions in supporting their ministry or are interested in purchasing merchandise. Please connect and share with others to join as we meet and worship together! At this time, the schedule is TBD.
The videos will remain on the Facebook page and are also available on our YouTube page:
In Christ,
Julie Drenning