A Message From Pastor Paul
Hello, NGCC! This summer will be the most challenging summer in the history of NGCC ever – bar none!
With this huge challenge comes great opportunities to become the New Testament Church God created us to be.These are exciting times we are living in, the last days as evidenced by the Word of God. At this point, the Church has not gathered together for eleven weeks. In those weeks, we have continued to meet via Zoom & Facebook Live. I want to thank those who have not stopped being the Church and have continued to gather for Prayer & Bible Studies. For those who have not yet joined us, I strongly encourage you to not forsake the gathering of the Church in the only way we can at this time!
Special thank yous to the teachers who have stepped out in faith to learn to teach in a new way. As the return of the Church in person draws near, we will make it as safe as possible by following strict new guidelines that ensure your safety. It will be much different this summer for sure! We will begin our opening with just Sunday morning gatherings. We want to monitor and ensure your safety before we add our Bible studies and other church activities. We will continue holding our Sunday morning Prayer, Wednesday night Prayer, Friday night Bible Study, and other meetings, via Zoom. We will continue our live-streaming every Sunday morning for those who are not ready to come back in person.
One big change you will be seeing is incorporating Prayer as a major part of our Worship Service on Sundays Here are our 4 goals I would like you to be in Prayer about for our return this summer as a unified body of believers:
#1 NGCC will be a unified House of Prayer as Jesus desires His Church to be. Matthew 21:13
#2 We would be unified in everyone doing their part to live out the Great Commandment. Mark 12:30-31
# 3 We would be unified in fulfilling Jesus’ mission for His Church to “Go and Make Disciples”, known as the Great Commission. Matthew 28:18-20
# 4 We would all be unified to use our Spiritual Gifts for the Glory of God. 1 Corinthians 12
If the Church returns Unified with these 4 goals, think of the possibilities of God using us for His Kingdom! There is no limit what God could do to in a Church that is on fire for Him. Let’s turn Glen Burnie upside down as we seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, all for His Glory.This will be pleasing to the Lord! I’m so looking forward to the new and improved NGCC being the faithful Church that Jesus smiles down on.
NGCC, get ready to come back to the Summer of Love! Praying that we are being conformed into the image of Jesus. Romans 8:29 A New Beginning awaits us this summer and I can’t wait to see you all!
Love in Jesus!
Pastor Paul
NGCC Ministry News and Events
Children’s Ministry
Summer is upon us and I have to tell you, it is not going as I would have liked. But, I can tell you, God is in control! Sometimes He interrupts our plans for a greater reason. And of course, He is always correct!
While we have not been in Church for the last eleven weeks, just let me say… I have missed our Kingdom Kids so very much! But I have not stopped working on our program. In keeping with our theme as a Church, our Kingdom Kids Children’s Ministry will be committed to prayer. We are going to help raise up the next generation of Prayer Warriors. This is a very exciting time for us all.
Due to this “virus challenge”, things will need to be done differently. So, I would like to bring everyone up to speed:
1. All children (whether your child has been attending for a long time or you’re new to us) will need a completed and signed registration form to attend our classes.
2. All children will need to have their temperatures taken before coming into class. If the temperature is over 100.4 or your child is sick, they will need to sit with you during the service.
3. All children must be checked into registration. Parents/guardians will be given a number, the child will wear a sticker with the same number. Parents/guardians must turn in the number when picking up their child.
4. While at Church, children must either remain with the class or with their parents the entire service. No children will be permitted to be unaccompanied at Church.
5. Adults will not be allowed in the children’s areas. Only church staff and 1 parent dropping off and picking up a child are allowed. However, parents must remain outside of classroom areas.
6. Once we do open, all children’s Sunday morning studies will be done outside. We will be encouraging social distancing by having the children sit in hoola hoops. All children listening to the rules will be playing with the hoops after our lesson. Please note: On rainy Sundays, children will remain with parents in the service. They will be given special packets to work on.
7. Each student will have his/her own box of supplies to use. These items will be sanitized before and after each service. Sharing will not be permitted.
8. If parents prefer to keep their children with them, we will supply coloring sheets and activities for the child to do during the sermon.
9. For any questions please notify me — Kim Gayleard kim@northglenchurch.com
At this time we are putting our yearly VBS on hold as we explore safe options so as to not spread germs. There will be more information coming as the summer goes on.
I would like to encourage you all to keep lines of communication open within your family. This is a scary time, especially for our children. For those that do not follow my Facebook, I would encourage you to have talks, prayer time, and Bible stories with your children. Encourage them to talk to you about any of their fears. If I can in any way help, please do not hesitate to contact me.
We at NGCC are looking forward to the time we can once again meet in person. Please let your Kingdom Kids know… Mrs. Kim and Mrs. Pam miss them very much!
Keep praying for the return of the Church.
In Christ,
Kim Gayleard
Interim Children’s Ministry Leader
Youth Ministry
The Youth Group continues to meet on Zoom.
We’ve had several new kids join in… PTL! We play games – bingo, scavenger hunt, Pictionary, etc., read the Bible, watch a video, and just spend a little bit of virtual time together.
I’m also touching base with them individually through texts and phone calls.
Sharon Mager
Interim Youth Leader
Praise and Worship Ministry
Hi everyone!
As we prepare to come back to church I just want to say how much we have missed every one of you. Some of the praise band have been meeting Sunday mornings to go live before the sermon so we may Worship and sing Praises to our God together. We thank you all for your love and support.
We are currently seeking and in need of a dedicated person that will run sound. We are seeking someone that is already skilled in this area but we can train the right committed person. If you feel this is an area God is directing you to, please reach out to me – Pastor Rick.
Please keep the praise band in your prayers as we continue to play for Jesus despite these trying times… Be Blessed in Jesus!
Pastor Rick Holmes
Women’s Ministry
Hello Ladies!
Hebrews 11:1: ” Now faith is the substance of things hoped for; the evidence of things not seen.” God promises to take care of us and we KNOW we can trust Him!
Ladies, I’m praying for you and I am here if you need me.
We have some exciting things planned, such as a painting session and hopefully a retreat in the fall. One extra thing I hope we will be able to do is to participate in the ALIVE 2020 live-stream event for Right to Life, sponsored by Focus on the Family, in August or September.
We need to pray and hope that this COVID situation will be over soon according to God’s will, and that it will create a great awakening in our country and the world for Jesus.
Keep your eyes on the Lord, no matter what!!
In Christian Love
Maureen Hill
Men’s Ministry
The mission of our Men’s Ministry has not changed during this extended season of the CoVID-19. The methods that we are using have been altered to a degree for now. While we look forward to those times when we can all return to fellowship, serve and worship together, we can remain connected to each other in multiple ways. We are still the Church even when our building is not open.
It is good that several men have stepped up in various ways to help the Church work through this challenge. Our men are helping to lead worship and provide audio/visual tech support, lead and participate with small group Bible studies and prayer groups, contacting other men in the church to remain connected, and responding to other behind the scenes needs. The importance of doing God’s work and our commitment to the Great Commission will not waver.
Each of the men at NGCC are needed and can bring their God-given ability and spiritual gifts to the table of ministry. We encourage all the men to faithfully watch our live-streaming services and participate with a Bible study group and in prayer as we strengthen our walk of faith in Jesus. Invite a family member or friend to join you online even from the comfort of their own home. There are many out there who need to hear of the eternal hope that is only found thru faith in Jesus Christ. This is a time when they may be more receptive to hearing the good news of the gospel than ever before.
Stay connected to the Men’s Ministry and with how the Church is preparing for our return. Updates will be communicated during our online meetings, emails, posted on our website, the Church phone app and the Church and Men’s Ministry Facebook group pages.
Please share your thoughts and ideas for future fellowship and ministry opportunities.
1 Thessalonians 4:1 – Finally then brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more.
Joe Fleming.
Men’s Ministry Leader
Greeter’s Ministry
Our current leader is requesting a replacement by a church member to take over this ministry. The Drennings have led this ministry for over four years. Julie’s responsibilities as church Treasurer has increased over the past couple of months. If you are interested, and do not already serve in another ministry on Sunday morning, please see Julie for details.
When we do return to the church building to worship, there will be some changes to the function of the Greeters. Some of this is unknown and still under review. The Greeters will be trained on their responsibilities upon returning; as will each ministry team. What we do know: In order to maintain social distancing, at this time, greeters will not be handing out bulletins. Please come prepared with your own papers to take any notes. Refer to this newsletter, our signs and media for Announcements and how to contact our Church and Ministry leaders. Weekly Financial Information will continue to be emailed to those who have provided their email address.
Greeters will be posted outside our incoming door to welcome you into the Church and direct where you will be sitting. At a designated time, the doors will be unlocked and opened. There will be only one way in and one way out. Be patient as to further guidance. The chairs have been prearranged in the sanctuary as well as the Assimilation area which will now be open to view the sanctuary. Signs will be posted that each of us must follow. We ask that if you do not feel well, connect to the service virtually.
All tables will be removed because of the restrictions of social distancing. As a result, neither food nor coffee will be served. If you bring your own, please discard empty cups and other trash in the appropriate receptacles. Greeters who normally serve in the Assimilation area can still be part of the welcoming of others and helping seniors remain safe entering and exiting before others into the sanctuary.
If you are interested in joining this team with greeting and ushering, commitment is needed at least once a month. Greeters must be at stations by 10:30 am. Stay tuned for further communications from our Communication Team.
Contact Kim Gayleard or Julie Drenning
Coffee House News
These past three months has been different for us in learning the technology of Facebook. You may have been on the Watch Party in March as we played two past recorded concerts of Seven Love. In April, John Pepsin of Full Gospel Boogie Band opened the evening and we played the recording of their last concert. Then this month we had the NGCC Praise Band. I know they were happy to rejoin and play for us for almost 1 1/2 hours.
Due to the restrictions in place as Maryland opens,and the need to clean and disinfect before and after gatherings, the church will not be open, at this time, for use except on Sundays. The Coffee House Ministry is unable to supply the masks that each of us are required to wear inside. We also don’t want to turn anyone away if only a certain percentage is allowed inside, as well as continue to maintain the 7-feet distancing between chairs. We will not rearrange how the sanctuary is set up for morning service. As a result, we are limited to holding the Coffee House virtually. We ask that you please continue to support this Ministry. It was nice to see that over 70 people connected in May with just as many in April. Full Gospel Boogie Band received messages from those unsaved who watched the event unfold. The Lord is still using this ministry and the members of each band, in a different fashion.
Upcoming Events:
Please refer to our Facebook page for any changes. Note that each band that has previously performed at the Coffee House was contacted to find out who is able to practice and if they have the technology to live-stream or record.
On June 20th:
On June 20th, the Itzels will join with us, from their home, for a great night of Pop Infused Traditional Worship Music. Please share the show, once it begins. Check them out at http://www.itzelmusic.com/.
On July 18th:
On July 18th, we are hoping that Seven Love, Christian Funk/Gospel, can join us in person; since we held the March event virtually. Keep all of this in prayer.
Visit them at https://www.facebook.com/ Sevenlove-137913686228098/
August – TBD based on current events.
Questions or comments?
Julie Drenning
News from the Financial Secretary
We want to say Thank You to all those who have been faithfully giving of their tithes and offerings.
As you know, even though we cannot physically meet in our church building, many church functions are still operating and we must meet our financial obligations. So, we do thank you for being ever faithful to God’s Word during these troubled times.
As the church building is not open, the best options for giving of tithes and offerings is still using PayPal or mailing in your check to North Glen Community Church, Glen Burnie, Maryland 21061. Please write: Attention Financial Secretary on your envelope. If you prefer, cash is accepted by contacting me at 443-794-8494. Please leave a message and I will return your call as soon as possible. Should you have any questions, please direct them to me at my phone or email.
In Christ,
Carol Le Duce
NGCC Financial Secretary