A Message From Pastor Paul
Hello, NGCC, as we wrap up another year and begin a New Year!
We are finishing up our 2018 theme of focusing on the Kingdom of God…focusing on being a Kingdom man and woman.The current Sermon Series Devoted to His Church was inspired by the Francis Chan book and current Wednesday night bible study – Letters to the Church. We are focusing on Acts 2:42, being devoted to the Word of God, Fellowship, Communion and Prayer. This study has already changed the way I look at the Church. We will be a Church that is devoted to these sacred things of God. This is a powerful finish to 2018!
Now concerning 2019…
One thing I see is the movement of God in a powerful way. I believe God is about to open up new doors of opportunities that are currently in the birthing stage. I can not really speak much on it at this time but am warning you,.. big change is coming! Now don’t freak out. You never know who wants to change and who are the “comfortable folks.” I just see the hand of God about to open up doors of opportunity that will take His church places it has never been before. I’ll just say this – I believe we are going to make an enormous impact on our community for Jesus Christ! That should get you very excited. God has birthed a vision in my heart that has me more excited than ever to be the Pastor of NGCC. So, get ready church for a new beginning in Christ. Praying this time next year this will all make more sense to you… And me too. I’m learning to be patient and wait with great anticipation on the Lord. Our God is an Awesome God. He is a Consuming Fire. Praying 2019 is the best year ever for NGCC in God’s Richest Blessings!
NGCC Ministry News and Events
Children’s Ministry
Merry Christmas! Happy New Year!
As we close out 2018, the Children’s Ministry would like to thank all of our devoted ministry workers who faithfully teach our NGCC Kingdom Kids! You all have done an awesome job helping to raise up a generation of our future leaders at NGCC through weekly teaching, VBS, Trunk or Treat, and Harvest Festival.
We still have a lot of work to do! We need more teachers and assistants to step up and help teach our older children. What a way to make an impact for the Kingdom of God. The guidelines are very simple: love to teach children, love to see children grow spiritually, a one week a month commitment, pass a background check, and be a member for 6 months. We train all volunteers! Experience is not needed. If teaching is not your thing we are also in need of assistants. Please contact me for more information.
In the month of December, we will have a Christmas party for our NGCC kids and helpers on Sunday, December 16th, directly after church. Please let me know if you can come.
We are looking forward to 2019:
In January, we will begin learning about New Beginnings in Jesus.
In February, the children will learn all about Loving Jesus, Loving One Another, and Loving Self.
ALL CHILDREN’S MINISTRY VOLUNTEERS: Please plan to stay for an important meeting on Sunday, December 23rd. Each month, we will meet on the last Sunday of the month briefly after the service to hand out the following month’s lesson plans. It is very important that if you are a current volunteer you attend.
As always, see me if you are interested in learning more about the Children’s Ministry.
In Christ,
Lena Lowry
Women’s Ministry
Ladies of NGCC, please continue to lift Maureen and Dennis in prayer. As you may know, Dennis is still going through treatment for cancer.
I spoke to Maureen and she has given her blessing for us to go ahead and hold our annual Christmas Cookie Exchange on Saturday, Dec. 15th from 3 to 5 pm.
Some may ask… What is a Christmas Cookie Exchange!?!!? Each person bakes several dozen of the same kind of cookie… Just one kind! But… You go home with several different flavors/kinds of Christmas cookie! How? Because you exchange with each person that brought in cookies. We play games, fellowship, eat, sample, and awards are given. Not a baker? That’s ok! We even have an award for, Best Store Bought Cookie.
Each person is asked to bring in their own cookies to exchange and a food item to share.
Please look for the sign up sheet on the board. Signing up is important because it will let us know how many cookies we need to bake! Ideally each person will leave with a dozen of each cookie.
For this event, please contact me (Kim) for more information. For all other ministry needs, please contact Maureen.
In Christ,
Kim Gayleard on behalf of Maureen
Men’s Ministry
The NGCC Men have been active during the summer and fall seasons with several activities, such as the cookouts, bon-fires, and our annual Prayer Breakfast. As we fellowship and hear from God’s Word, the Lord is strengthening our spiritual journeys and bringing us closer together. It is good to see so many men participating. We encourage all others to join in.
The winter season will include more opportunities for ministry and fellowship. Our church is active with Operation Christmas Child. There are 2 opportunities to serve at the local Processing Center and prepare these gifts for shipping to locations all over the world. This ministry has made a difference in the lives of many families, as our Lord Jesus is introduced to these children. This will be a service opportunity that will include the NGCC ladies as well. Youth who are age 13 and up can also join our team.
The 2019 IGNITE Men’s Impact Weekend in Virginia will be on March 15-16 and will feature several good speakers such as James MacDonald and comedian Jeff Foxworthy.
Please share your thoughts, ideas for fellowship and ministry opportunities with me.
Homeless Ministry
On behalf of NGCC, thank you to all the volunteers that worked very hard to make the Winter Relief week a success! With just a days notice volunteers pulled together to make food for the week, they served each man dinner everyday, and volunteered to stay over night with the men. Thank you, Bill Bock for heading up this important week and making a huge positive impact in the lives of these men!
The homeless ministry meets every first Saturday of the month at 9:00am to take food out into the community for the homeless. As winter approaches, please keep the homeless in your prayers!
Please see me for more information.
Greeters’ Ministry

Greeters Help Needed – Ministry Opportunities:
When you first came to North Glen, did you feel welcomed and belonged as soon as you entered the door? The Greeters Ministry is an important ministry to share the love of Christ. During the cold and wet seasons, help will be needed with the elderly and those who need additional support walking to the front door from their cars. We also need additional help with welcoming newcomers at the sanctuary doors and cleaning up the sanctuary after the service. Commitment starts at 10:30
Coffee House News
Coffee House Help Needed – Ministry Opportunities:
Child Care: We could use some help with continue childcare services each month. If you are interested, you must be an active member of North Glen Community Church for six months and pass a background check. Please see Julie Drenning if you are interested in being part of this ministry. Commitment would be from 8-10pm. There are specific guidelines to keep our children safe during this time.
Serving: We need additional help from our members to be God’s hands by serving the food to the community during the evening. This ministry includes food setup, serving, and cleaning up the kitchen area. Commitment from 6-10pm. Setup from 6-7pm, serving starting at 7pm, and cleanup starting at 9:30pm.
Cleanup: In order to get the church ready for Sunday morning, help is needed to place the chairs and tables back in order, discarding of trash, and cleaning the worship areas. The more hands on deck, the quicker it will be to get out the door.
Upcoming Events for the Winter
Thanks for supporting and promoting SNL Coffee House. We are celebrating our 25th year, holding once a month events. If there is child care, an announcement will be posted to the church and coffee house Facebook pages. Parents or guardians must check in and pick up their children.
Doors open at 7pm and the concert is from 8-10pm. A love offering is collected to support the band’s ministry, many of whom come from out of the area.
On December 15th:
HMS Renegade will be returning for the seventh year at SNL Coffee House to get us in the Christmas Spirit. You may have heard this band perform at the Glen Burnie Christmas Lighting also over the past seven years. Note that this year, the band will be performing at the Glen Burnie Tree Lighting on December 4th at 5:30 pm.
Check out HMS Renegade’s Facebook page at
On January 19th:
Raymond Lee Band returns from Bear, Delaware. They have been performing at SNL for the past 10 years, if not more. RLB plays music that is positive and uplifting, praising God through song and making HIM known. Love God, Love others, Spread the word!
Visit their website at: http://www.raymondleeband.com
On February 16th:
Our own NGCC Praise Band will be returning.
Visit their web page to download and listen to their music:
Questions or Comments?
Julie Drenning