Saturday Night Live Coffee House News
We are very excited about the growth in the attendance at the coffee house that reaches the community.
This ministry is an opportunity to bring those who may not enter a church on Sunday to see that Christians can have a good time in the Lord with a variety of styles of Christian music.
In October, Pastor Eric started children’s entertainment upstairs providing snacks, watching movies, hearing a Bible story, and playing games as the adults are able to enjoy the music downstairs. If anyone is interested in being a helper, please see Pastor Eric as I believe this ministry will grow. Below are the remaining two events of the year.
Julie Drenning, Ministry Leader
November Outreach Event at the SNL Coffee House
On November 19th, with doors opening at 7pm for a time of fellowship and concert from 8-10pm, the night will be filled with worship from the Tuesday Night Live (TNL) Praise Band.
This band is from Southern MD and formed at a young adult’s Bible Study led by Pastor Marvin Harris with one of their sound men being our own Keith Myers.
Bill and Julie Drenning met at the study and are celebrating their 23rd anniversary this month which is also the number of years when we started the coffee house.

The Tuesday Night Live Praise Band
Sign-up sheet of the food needed to share will be posted to the church bulletin board. You can also message the ministry leader if you would like to bring a certain item. This month’s needs are: hot dog buns, fruit or veggie tray, case of water, variety bag of chips, and desserts. You may also bring a pot luck.
December Outreach Event at the SNL Coffee House
On December 17th, we will be celebrating the Christmas season with HMS Renegade whose members you will recognize from the church praise team. You may have seen the band also perform at the opening celebration of the lighting of the Christmas tree in the middle of Glen Burnie.
A sign-up sheet of the food needed to share will be posted to the church bulletin board.
HMS Renegade
Hard to believe another year will soon be over. Visit the coffee house Facebook page at SNLCoffeeHouse for previous pictures of the bands and to also help us promote the events. |