Our ministries are an important and integral part of our church community. Whether you are a student, single or married there is a ministry designed for you.

Please read about our ministries and consider becoming an active member of our community of faith.

Prayer Ministry

We have a desire to be as Jesus said for His Church to be a House of Prayer! Prayer is the engine that drives the Church! We start each Sunday in prayer at 9:15 AM and hold a prayer and Bible study at 6:00 PM every Wednesday.

Worship Ministry

Come join us for Sunday Morning Worship Service at 11 AM as it is an awesome opportunity to come together as a Church to Worship King Jesus! We live to Love the Lord our God with all our Heart & Mind & Strength!  Our Worship Leader is Lena O’Brien.

Contact Worship Ministry Leader Lena O’Brien

Children’s Ministry

We have Children’s Church each Sunday morning after the praise and worship portion of our church service.

Contact Children’s Ministry Leader Kim Gayleard

Women’s Ministry

Maureen Hill is the Women’s Ministry Leader and is excited for the ladies to get together to fellowship, grow in the Lord together, get to know one another, and serve the Lord together.

The ladies are striving to be unified as the Women of the Church in growing in our love and care for one another.  Maureen looks forward to spending time with all of the ladies and being able to serve you.

She would like to hear from everyone to find out your interests, ideas, and thoughts about the ministry.

Contact Women’s Ministry Leader Maureen Hill

Men’s Ministry

Our mission is to encourage one another in our Christian faith and to grow together in our spiritual walk with God.  The NGCC men are united to serve within the church and also to expand our out-reach to the community to those who also need Jesus Christ in their lives.

Events and programs include Prayer Breakfasts, Small Group Studies, Fellowship Events, Cookouts, Ministry Opportunities, Christian Men’s conferences and more.  As brothers in Christ and for others who are seeking the Lord for the first time in their lives, we are committed to praying for one another and to challenge each other to pursue a stronger connection with Jesus.

Proverbs 27:17 – As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.

Contact Men’s Ministry Leader Joe Fleming

Bridge Builders Ministry

Bridge Builders is a ministry that began 5 years ago as a partnership with North Glen Elementary School (NGES), across the street from the church. During this time, North Glen Community Church (NGCC) has provided direct support to the school. We have ministered in a variety of ways through providing support for Teachers Appreciation week, to clothing drives, a backpack exchange to provide food supplies to those who need them the most, delivering Teachers Valentine bags which church members decorated the bags and wrote cards of encouragement to the teachers, expressing our appreciation for the hard work they do within the North Glen community.

Are you looking for a way to make a difference for the people of our community, but don’t quite know how to go about it? Well, here is a way to show the love of Jesus to those within our community. Jesus tells us to feed the hungry, cloth the poor and minister to the sick, along with sharing the gospel. These upcoming events are designed to do just that. So-if you want to make a difference in someone’s life-hop on board.

Please prayerfully consider helping. We are better together than we are alone.

Contact Harvest Food Pantry Ministry Leader Kristina Gaona


Greeters Ministry

A first impression is always important and our attenders receive a warm welcome from our Church’s friendly team of Greeters. Usually two friendly, smiling faces are posted at the front foyer area when people come in for Sunday service, whether they are Members or new Guests. It is a simple but important service, welcoming people and sometimes answering questions they may have. Please consider joining the team and allow God to use you to help others.

Matthew 25:38-40 ‘And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you…’

Contact Greeters Ministry Leader Michele Priebe


Please Contact Us if you have any questions about our ministries or would like to know about other opportunities to serve our community that may not be listed here.

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