From the SNL Coffee House Leader
First, we would like to extend our appreciation for your support to the SNL Coffee House over the past 23 years. Your support to providing a place of fellowship and music to the local community has not gone unnoticed. We know the Lord is glorified throughout the evenings as the bands lift their praises to Him and encourages those who pass through the doors.
For those who are interested in donating food to the ministry, the sign-up sheet for our needs will be posted on the bulletin board in the hall. Besides serving through donations, there are many areas of service with this ministry: serving food, cleaning up afterwards to place the church back in order for Sunday, setting up Wednesday night before the event, greeting newcomers throughout the evening, selling coffee house tee shirts, ensuring supplies even in the bathrooms are stocked, and promoting the events through passing out fliers and sharing on Facebook.
Reminder, doors open at 7pm for fellowship. Children, ages 5 through 5th grade have entertainment upstairs beginning at 7:45pm. Childcare is provided from 7:45 to 10pm. Parents must return to pick their child up at 10pm. Help with childcare is always appreciated. Anyone interested must be at least 25 years old and be able to pass a background check. Please contact Julie Drenning if you are interested.
Refreshments are available for all.
The help from the members, families, and friends is much appreciated as we serve the evening together.
Interested in purchasing a Coffee House shirt? You can purchase yours at the next event or send an order to We have short sleeve ($10) and long sleeve ($15) in gray, black, purple, and orange. Thanks for your support to the ministry by telling others!
Julie Drenning
Coming Outreach Events at the SNL Coffee House
On June 17th, from 8-10m, Stauros Alive will have its debut at the SNL Coffee House. One of our church members, Sharon Mager, is a part of Stauros Alive and Stauros Ministries which have a compassion and focus for people struggling with substance abuse and addiction.

Stauros Alive
On July 15th, one of our long-time bands, TNL Praise Band, with leader Terry Barnes, will be performing. This group led the music at a Bible Study in P.G. County where the Lord brought one special couple together, Bill and Julie Drenning. Bill was leading the Bible Study in Glen Burnie that converted to SNL Coffee House (originally labeled Friday Nite Live) 24 years ago.

TNL Praise Band
Visit the coffee house Facebook page at SNLCoffeeHouse for pictures from previous months or go to and search for SNLCoffeeHouse to view videos of past and upcoming concerts and videos.