Summer Events | Saturday Night Live | Vacation Bible School
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A Message From Our Pastor

Well, Summer is finally here and as the weather is heating up we will be firing up the grills all summer. It would be awesome for North Glen Community Church to get Fired up for Jesus! 

I challenged the church to pray Matthew 9:37-38.

37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (NIV)

Praying what the Bible says is very powerful!

Jesus gives these words of action for His Disciples. We are in desperate need of Laborers to go into the Harvest which He says is Plentiful. So, Church, let's earnestly pray to Jesus to raise up and send people who are passionate about souls coming to Jesus!

June finds us in a great study in the book of James. Wow, what a book! James is an action-packed. in-your-face book that insists that we be Doers of the Word. This book teaches how to walk the talk, and be more like Jesus! My prayer is as we study this great book that our lives will be forever changed to make a difference for the Kingdom of God!

Be Blessed in Jesus!

Pastor Paul

Upcoming Events at NGCC

Dream Church Conference

Pastor Paul is looking for a couple of more people who may be interested in going to the Dream Church Conference June 23-24 in Salisbury, MD. 

The website of the schedule is at

The cost is now $129 per person, but a $10 discount is available if 3 or more people make reservations together.  Paul is looking for each person to take a different track.  Lessons learned to bring back to our home church.  Pastor Paul would like to know by next Sunday to give time to make reservations for conference and overnight stay at a local hotel.

Vacation Bible School (VBS)

June 27- July 1 6:00-8:00

Our theme is The Armor of God!

Come meet our pirates as we learn how to put on the Armor of God! Children are welcome to dress as pirates.

Registration can occur on the child's first night at VBS. Parents or guardians will drop off and pick up their children. There will be a time for lessons, music time, game time, craft time, and snack time.  On Friday, the parents will come can stay with the children to watch and see what they learned about during the week.

Also, we are always looking for help. We welcome all children! Our staff of volunteers is trained to teach children with autism!

In Christ,

Kimberly Gayleard
Children's Ministry Director

Lamplight Artists Daycamp

Coming soon1 Prices are now reduced from $145 to only $80 per child.

Sunday July 24th 3-5pm, Mon-Fri 9am-3pm, Friday night show @ 7pm

To register for the event up until the first day, go to The registration page will show a $10 discount.

Volunteer help is needed, and some help with meals would be appreciate.  Contact Pastor Eric Myers if interested or if you have any additional questions.

 Saturday Night Live Coffee House


On June 18th, we'll enjoy the long-awaited return of David Roy and his worship band, '3:16'! Join us for this wonderful evening of rock and blues-inspired Christian music.

To hear samplings of David's music, go to

The music you hear on the site above will be available on CD at the SNL event.  

David has played with various known artists on stage such as the late, great BB King and the Drifters. It's a night that's sure to be enjoyable, so bring your friends!

We need the following for the event:

  • A case of soda.
  • 3 packs of hot dog buns.
  • A dessert.

Please contact Julie Drenning by June 16th if you'd like to bring one of these items.

Remember that we have Online Giving options on our website! If you've missed a service or would like to donate to our church, please use the button below. Thank you!

Online Giving to NGCC

Missed a Sunday? Be sure to check out our online archive of past services!

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