A Message From Our Pastor
Well, Summer is finally here and as the weather is heating up we will be firing up the grills all summer. It would be awesome for North Glen Community Church to get Fired up for Jesus!
I challenged the church to pray Matthew 9:37-38.
37 Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” (NIV)
Praying what the Bible says is very powerful!
Jesus gives these words of action for His Disciples. We are in desperate need of Laborers to go into the Harvest which He says is Plentiful. So, Church, let's earnestly pray to Jesus to raise up and send people who are passionate about souls coming to Jesus!
June finds us in a great study in the book of James. Wow, what a book! James is an action-packed. in-your-face book that insists that we be Doers of the Word. This book teaches how to walk the talk, and be more like Jesus! My prayer is as we study this great book that our lives will be forever changed to make a difference for the Kingdom of God!
Be Blessed in Jesus!
Pastor Paul